All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Another one of My Favorite Blogs
There are many days while I am at work that I have nothing to do. Usually when that happens, I go to my usual web stomping grounds and sometimes those places lead me elsewhere. Well, not too long ago, I was lead to an adorable website called Warm Pie, Happy Home. Immediately I felt like I was at home in Ruthann's blog and I just wanted to shoot down to the Ozarks and settle down for a nice slice of pie in her amazing kitchen.
She recently revamped her website and it's just as cute as ever. She's even doing a wonderful blog giveaway to celebrate her new site! You can also sign up for her online news letter that has fun tips for your home, product reviews and giveaway announcements.
Come on over and take a look. I know you won't be disappointed!
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