Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmastime is Here!

I love this time of year. I love baking Christmas cookies, putting up my decorations and listening to fun Christmas music. As Andy Williams sings, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"

Since this is the year of homemade Christmas gifts, I've been busy putting everything together for my Christmas gift baskets. It's been so nice not to be stressed out about what to get people. I love shopping, but sometimes trying to figure out the perfect gift can be quite the challenge. This year, everyone is getting the same thing, so it makes my life so much easier!

I'm looking forward to posting some of the pictures of what I have been making, but since some of my readers may get said gifts, I won't show them until after Christmas. However, I also have a boat load of pictures from our Big Bear trip this past weekend, so I will be posting those soon. Hopefully I can get them up tonight.

I hope everyone has a wonderful time this Christmas season and for your viewing pleasure, here is a fun acapella group doing the 12 Days of Christmas!

I love this group because I can just see Andy Bernard singing in a group like this at, you know, Cornell.

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